Using Technologies for Creative-Text Translation

Il nous fait grand plaisir d'annoncer une nouvelle publication aux éditions Routledge : Using Technologies for Creative-Text Translation, sous la direction de James Luke Hadley, Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov, Carlos S. C. Teixeira, et Antonio Toral.

Using technologies for creative

« This collection reflects on the state of the art of research into the use of translation technologies in the translation of creative texts, encompassing literary texts but also extending beyond to cultural texts, and charts their development and paths for further research. Bringing together perspectives from scholars across the discipline, the book considers recent trends and developments in technology that have spurred growing interest in the use of computer-aided translation (CAT) and machine translation (MT) tools in literary translation. Chapters examine the relationships between translators and these tools—the extent to which they already use such technologies, the challenges they face, and prevailing attitudes towards these tools—as well as the ethical implications of such technologies in translation practice. The volume gives special focus to drawing on examples with and beyond traditional literary genres to look to these technologies’ use in working with the larger group of creative texts, setting the stage for many future research opportunities »(Routledge).

Kristiina Taivalkoski-Shilov est membre du Comité de rédaction de Vita Traductiva et co-directrice, parmi d'autres ouvrages, de Traduire les voix de la nature / Translating the Voices of Nature, Vita Traductiva, vol. 11.