Translating Renaissance Experience

Vita Traductiva» Catalogue » Translating Renaissance Experience
Translating Renaissance Experience

A period of intense intercultural activity, the Renaissance offers a productive terrain for exploring the multi-faceted dimensions of translation. Translation Studies increasingly sees translation as a process of cultural interaction in which multiple agents participate. The essays in this volume show how experience, diversely conceptualised, profoundly shapes this interaction at both the level of production and reception. By examining how Renaissance experience was translated at the time into textual and material forms (Milton, Sidney, Donne) and how Renaissance textual sources (Middleton, Piccolomini, Shakespeare) or the idea of the Renaissance have been experienced retrospectively through theatre adaptations, philosophical readings, video games, or theories of multimodality, these essays illuminate the rich complexity of translation and reaffirm the continuing relevance of the Renaissance.

Edited by/Sous la direction de : Anja Müller-Wood, Tymon Adamczewski and Patrick Gill
Issue Date/Date de publication : 2021
Author/Auteur(e)(s) : Tymon Adamczewski , Joachim Frenk, Patrick Gill, Florian Klaeger, Csaba Maczelka, Ágnes Máté, Jacek Mianowski , Anja Müller-Wood, Özlem Özmen Akdoğan, Allen Rice, Jeremy Tambling
Subject(s)/Sujet(s) : literary translation, experience, Renaissance, translation studies
Fonds: Vita Traductiva
Published in/Publication en : Montreal
Country/Pays : Canada
Region/Région : Quebec
Supervisor/Éditrice : Series Editor: Agnes Whitfield
Additional Information/Pour en savoir plus :
Printed Version ISBN/Version imprimée ISBN : 978-2-924337-17-2
Electronic Version ISBN/Version électronique ISBN : 978-2-924337-18-9
Electronic Version ISSN/Version électronique ISSN : 1927-7806; v. 12
Printed Version ISSN/Version imprimée ISSN : 1927-7792; v. 12
Volume #/Volume no : 12