Gender and Translation: Understanding Agents in Transnational Reception

Vita Traductiva» Catalogue » Gender and Translation: Understanding Agents in Transnational Reception
Gender and Translation: Understanding Agents in Transnational Reception

Contemporary research in Translation Studies highlights the fundamental role gender plays in translation and transnational reception. This volume brings fresh insights to this rich field of inquiry by examining how gender impacts concretely on the real-world agents who participate in selecting, translating, editing, promoting, or reviewing specific texts. Contributors explore the Anglo-American or French reception of Swedish women writers (Flygare-Carlén, Bremer, Lagerlöf), Beauvoir in Norwegian, Austen in Spanish, feminism at the Norwegian publisher Pax, Swedish and Norwegian translations of ancient Greek and Roman texts and Belgian translations of Anglophone nurse war memoirs. By delving into such multi-layered topics, they show how gender can interact in complex, even contradictory, ways with authorship, copyright law, ideology, editorial policy, censorship, and public culture.

Edited by/Sous la direction de : Isis Herrero López, Cecilia Alvstad, Johanna Akujärvi and Synnøve Skarsbø Lindtner
Publication Edition/Édition : Éditions québécoises de l'oeuvre, collection Vita Traductiva
Issue Date/Date de publication : 2018
Subject(s)/Sujet(s) : Gender and Translation, Transnational Reception, Agents
Supporting Material/Documentation d’appui : Click here to download PDF/Cliquez ici pour télécharger le PDF
Published in/Publication en : Montreal
Country/Pays : Canada
Supervisor/Éditrice : Director of the Collection Agnes Whitfield
Printed Version ISBN/Version imprimée ISBN : ISBN 978-2-924337-13-4
Electronic Version ISBN/Version électronique ISBN : ISBN 978-2-924337-14-1
Articles by/Articles de : Cecilia Alvstad & Isis Herrero López, Johanna Akujärvi, Åsa Arping, Jenny Bergenmar, Elke Brems, Bente Christensen, Isis Herrero López, Yvonne Leffler, Synnøve Skarsbø Lindtner , Tor Ivar Østmoe, Tove Pettersen, Ida Hove Solberg
Electronic Version ISSN/Version électronique ISSN : ISSN 1927-7806; v. 10
Printed Version ISSN/Version imprimée ISSN : ISSN 1927-7792; v. 10
Volume #/Volume no : 10