Hanne Jansen

Hanne Jansen is Associate Professor in Italian and Translation Studies at University of Copenhagen where she received her Ph.D. degree in 1999. She teaches primarily translation theory and practice and is founder and coordinator of the Graduate Program in Translation Studies at the Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies. Her research interests include literary translation, translation and reception, contrastive linguistics and translation sociology, and she has published a series of papers and edited volumes in English, Italian and Danish on these subjects. Her recent work focuses on collaboration between translators and other translation agents: “Multiple Translationship,” written in collaboration with Anna Wegener (in Authorial and Editorial Voices in Translation 1, edited by Jansen & Wegener, Vita Traductiva, 2013). Other recent and forthcoming publications include “The Author Strikes Back: The author-translator dialogue as a special kind of paratext” (in Tracks and Treks in TS, John Benjamins, 2013), “Bel Paese or Spaghetti noir? The image of Italy in contemporary Italian fiction translated into Danish” (in Interconnecting Translation Studies and Imagology, John Benjamins, 2016), and “Who is having a say? Unraveling multiple translatorship through an e-mail correspondence” (forthcoming). She is member of the project “Voices of Translation: Rewriting Literary Texts in a Scandinavian Context” funded by Research Council Norway. She has worked as literary translator from Italian into Danish since 1985